Mrs. Leta Faye Davis
November 2, 1949 – July 11, 2021
A cherished wife, mother, sister, and grandmother, Leta (Evans) Davis, 71, went home to be with the Lord on Sunday, July 11, 2021. Born on November 2, 1949, in Laurel Creek, West Virginia, she was the youngest of eight children born to Henry and Ersie Evans. Leta grew up in Man, West Virginia, where she met her husband, Larry Davis. They wed in December 1967 in Naples, Florida, and made the sleepy little fishing town their lifelong home.
Leta was known as an incredibly generous soul with a big smile and an infectious laugh. She was a wonderful friend who touched many in her life in a uniquely-Leta way that will be forever imprinted on our hearts.
For over 53-years, Leta was a devoted wife to her husband Larry, who will love her with all of his heart and soul until the day he sees her again in heaven. Their two children, Melanie (Davis) Bocock of Naples and Patrick Davis of Bradenton, loved their mom beyond measure. She was the fabric of their family and leaves an unfillable void in their hearts.
Leta lived for her two grandchildren, Erin and Mason Bocock, enthusiastically converting her home into “mammaw-preschool” for the duration of their toddler years, where she offered them endless hugs, kisses, learning, play, and homecooked meals. Her legacy lives on in the lessons she taught them and the unconditional love she poured into them day in and day out.
Leta leaves behind her niece Billie Collins of Naples. Close in age and raised as sisters, the pair was inseparable for 71 years, even living next door to one another in Naples for over 40 years. Billie and Leta’s bond was a perfect amalgamation, allowing them to lean on one another throughout life.
Leta is also survived by her older brother Charles Evans of Dry Prong, Louisiana. He meant the world to her, and she always looked up to him, speaking very proudly of what a Godly man he is.
Also surviving are beloved son-in-law, Eric Bocock – with whom she had developed a very close relationship – and many cousins, nieces, and nephews who were all near and dear to her heart. Leta was preceded in death by her siblings Jean Drautz, Gloria Pearl Falk, William Lusby Evans, Hazel Banfield, Oscar Evans, Fred Evans, and her sweet parents Henry and Ersie Evans.
It was Leta’s wish that her ashes be scattered at the final resting place of her dear mother and father at the Evans Family Cemetary in Mingo County, West Virginia. A celebration of life will be held in Naples, Florida, at a future date to be determined.
Evans Family
July 15, 2021, 3:48 pm
Dearest Davis family, we are so saddened to learn of Leta’s passing. She was not only a relative but a wonderful loving friend. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
The Family of Teddy Evans
Karen Miller Campbell
July 21, 2021, 2:21 am
To my best and dearest friend. The world is a sadder place without you. I will have our childhood memories until I take my last breath. If only I could talk and laugh until our stomachs hurt, just one more time. How I will miss you! You now know the secrets of life.
I love you and cherish the memories of our childhood in Man, West Virginia. Until we meet again.
Karen and Butch Campbell
Carolyn Riley
July 25, 2021, 10:11 pm
Ken and I send our deepest condolences to Leta’s family. Hugs and Prayers!
Losing a long-time, hometown, forever friend, and classmate like Leta hurts deeply. It does not seem real to me. To have known her was to love her. We shared many laughs. Oh my, how she could make me laugh. She had such a loving and caring heart. Leta has cheered me up many times when I needed it most.
Leta, fly high, give us signs you are still with us, and never forget how much you are loved and missed. Until we meet again!
Love you!
Annette Washam
August 10, 2021, 1:48 am
Leta I just now heard of your passing. My heart is broken .When we lived down the road from each other in Naples , we kept the secrets of our neighbors ,that we could laugh together for hours together.. I love you dear Leta , I’ll never forget you ,and the time we spent togethen