Mrs. Gayle B. Vandervort
August 3, 1938 – April 9, 2021
GAYLE BRANDOW VANDERVORT – Heaven gained another angel on Friday, April 9th, 2021, after Gayle B. Vandervort, passed away at her home in Naples, FL.
Gayle was born to John Elwood Brandow and Jane Branion Brandow, on August 3, 1938. Gayle started her schooling at P.S. #19 and graduated from Albany High School (AHS) in 1956. While at AHS, Gayle became a founding member of Beta Phi Sorority. AHS is also where she met her lifelong friends, the Golden Girls, wonderful friendships that endured for over 70 years. Gayle attended Albany Business College and graduated with a business degree in 1957. Gayle then worked for the NYS Division of the Budget for a brief period, before taking a position as a Legal Secretary for the law firm of Miner, Drake and Morrow in Albany, NY.
On February 11, 1961, Gayle married the love of her life, John (Jack) W. Vandervort. Gayle and Jack were married by then Cannon David S. Ball, who eventually became Bishop Ball. Bishop Ball became a meaningful part of Jack and Gayle’s family; baptizing all four of their children, and being part of numerous family dinners and celebrations over the next 40 years. Gayle was a parishioner of the Cathedral of All Saints for 55 years and actively participated in numerous fundraising activities on behalf of the Cathedral.
Shortly after marrying Jack, Gayle devoted herself to raising her four children as well as playing a supporting role to Jack in his career. But motherhood was her true calling. There was not a neighborhood party she did not plan, a volunteer committee she did not raise her hand for, or a sports practice or game she did not attend and cheer her children on. Gayle was Sixer (Pack Leader) for her two daughters in Brownies, and Pack leader for her two sons in Cub Scouts. She also volunteered to be the softball coach when they had nobody else that would do it, even though she knew very little about softball or coaching at the time. Eventually, Jack and Gayle fought the Manlius Little League for the right for girls to be able to play baseball with the boys, because their daughter Holly decided she’d rather play baseball with the boys. They were successful in getting that done, amidst plenty of opposition by other parents and coaches. Their daughter Holly not only played Little League, she made the All-Star team her first year, thus proving what’s fair and right is worth fighting for. Gayle lived by a simple set of principles, that she set down in writing, “Be kind and compassionate toward others; treat others with respect – including children; try always to be honest and fair; don’t be greedy or pushy; haste really does make waste; actually the Ten Commandments covers it pretty well.”
Gayle loved to travel and Jack’s job provided them both the opportunity to travel all over the world and visit such places as England, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Scotland, Monaco, France, Italy…where she could be found with a paintbrush or sketchpad in hand, capturing the beauty of these places. One of her favorite memories was traveling to Rome and meeting Pope John Paul II at St. Peter’s Basilica. Of the tens of thousands of people that day trying to get a glimpse of the Pope, he must have seen the light surrounding Gayle, because he walked right over to her, and took her hand in his, and spoke to her.
In May of 1973, Gayle and her husband Jack moved to Manlius, NY, where Gayle started her love affair with art, attending local art classes and shows, while juggling the very busy lives of her four children. Gayle went on to study under numerous well-known artists as a member of both the Southern Vermont Art Center in Manchester, VT., and Von Liebig Art Center in Naples, FL. The majority of her works, mainly acrylics on canvas and watercolor emphasized nature, landscapes, and still life. In 2011, Gayle was awarded the “Award of Excellence” for an abstract acrylic piece entitled “Thunder N’ Lightning”. Many of her paintings currently hang prominently in the homes of her children, extended family and friends.
When Gayle wasn’t painting or traveling, she thoroughly enjoyed spending time with her loving family and friends at their vacation home in Manchester. She also loved her time in Naples, FL, where she and Jack moved full-time in 2014. Gayle was the quintessential hostess, always ready, willing and able to whip up, at a moment’s notice…a glorious meal for Jack’s business associates, friends, or golfing buddies. She welcomed everyone and always did it with grace and style…setting a beautiful table, complete with her favorite candelabra. Gayle was the epitome of a lady who was full of class and elegance.
Gayle passed away shortly after her husband who passed on January 16, 2021 and her sister Cheryl Fangmann who passed away in December of 2019. Gayle is survived by her four children, Jay (Christine) of Schenectady, NY; Todd (Margaret) Voorheesville, NY; Holly (Jeff Johns) of Haymarket, VA; and Amy (Celeste Foley) of Naples, FL, and four grandchildren, Jake, Morgan (Kevin Crowley), John “Jack” II, and Jane.
A Celebration of Life will be held at a later date in both Albany, N.Y. and Naples, Fla.
In Lieu of flowers, please consider donating to one of the following charities.
● Avow Hospice, Naples FL (
● Southern Vermont Art Center (
Dawn Mackey
April 14, 2021, 3:37 pm
Your mom was fabulous! As well as very classy! Although I only met your mom a couple times I still remember how she made me feel so welcomed! Sending my love
Donna Hanley
April 14, 2021, 3:40 pm
Such a beautiful life. Those memories will get you through. Love, Donna and Karen
Mary Cullinan
April 14, 2021, 3:54 pm
We are so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful mother so soon after losing your dear father. May you all take comfort in knowing that your parents are reunited and lived wonderful lives.
With love and prayers,
Mary and Tom Cullinan
Rita and Bob Burkhardt
April 14, 2021, 4:52 pm
Beautiful lady and a wonderful life that will continue through her children and grandchildren.
Bob and I are truly blessed to have known Gayle and Jack.
Pam Mantas
April 14, 2021, 6:33 pm
A beautiful tribute for a beautiful woman. I am lucky to say I have one of your mom’s paintings hanging on a wall in my condominium. She will be missed but she will never be forgotten. My heart hurts for all of you but I hope you can find comfort knowing your parents are together again. Hold on tight to the memories, keep them close to your heart they will help you get through the difficult moments.
Sending my love to all of you. Xoxo
Fred Fitte
April 14, 2021, 6:35 pm
Todd, Margaret, Holly and Amy,
Terry’s and my sincere condolences on your loss. I have good memories of Jack and Gayle
attending our many softball games in Albany. They were both good people.
Fred & Terry Fitte
Mount Dora, Florida
Leigh Bullen
April 15, 2021, 12:21 am
My thoughts and prayers go to each of you! I was honored to meet both of your parents and know them for a short time. Heaven is a little brighter !
Sending you all my prayers. Leigh Bullen
Janna Cook and family
April 15, 2021, 6:55 pm
Morgan your grandmother lived a beautiful life. Loved her obituary. One classy lady
Gloria and Andrew Buchanan
April 16, 2021, 3:04 pm
May God’s love comfort you at this time of sorrow. Our hearts are with the family. Holly and Jeff mean so much to us.
God bless you all.
Mary-Jane Crowley
April 16, 2021, 6:03 pm
Thinking of you all during this time of sadness and transition. Such an awesome obituary for an awesome lady. MJ & Mike Crowley
Karla and Glenn
April 20, 2021, 4:34 pm
May peace be with you,
May your hearts heal,
May you always remember a life well lived.
What a wonderful memorial you wrote.
Love you, Karla and Glenn