Mr. Ahmed Ragheb September 5, 1953 – August 14, 2020
We are saddened to announce the passing of Mr. Ahmed Ragheb on August 14, 2020. For more information please visit the website for Galzerano Funeral Home
Brig. Gen., Philip M. Drew, USAF, Ret.
August 19, 2020, 8:39 pm
Thanks for your service to the USAF and WW community. RIP our friend!
John Vogan
August 19, 2020, 9:01 pm
Sad to hear. I first flew with Med at Homestead AFB while I was going through RTU and then later at Spandahlem AB in Germany. He was a great gentleman and quality pilot. He will be missed by so many fellow aviators.
George W. Acree || Ace Acree
August 19, 2020, 9:55 pm
One of the Best!!! Ahmed!!!! **** George Ace Acree
Ace 555
August 19, 2020, 10:01 pm
One of the Best!!!! Fighter Pilot / leader /Friend
Radar Radford
August 19, 2020, 10:31 pm
Very sad, indeed. I did not know Ahmed well, as I was in the 23rd, but always heard good things. Thew a nickel on the grass.
David "PermDog" Perme
August 20, 2020, 9:01 am
I knew Ahmed, I was in the 23TFS, when he was up on the hill at the 480th. When I went to Ramstein, I had a job where we would have to travel to the Mideast on occasion. I reached out to Ahmed to join us because he spoke the language, and was a great guy, we never did the trips, the unit was closed. Rest in peace, the world is a bit lesser of a place.
Vinnie Cooper
August 20, 2020, 3:16 pm
Truly a great loss for the weasels, our Air Force, our nation and humanity. Lori, my heart goes out to you, and I thank you deeply for loving and caring for such a terrific guy. Med was an artist, who handled a jet as gracefully and powerfully as he wielded a brush; More importantly, he was an artist in how he dealt with people — with grace and aplomb, courtesy and strength, and a smile that inspired all around him. I am so honored to have known him, flown with with him and, since the G had no cannon, never gunned him… Rest In Peace, Med Nickle
Jan-Marc Jouas
August 21, 2020, 5:33 am
It’s been a long time since we were all together at Spang, where Med was one of our first Viper pilots in the 480 TFS. We hit it off right away, and though we didn’t see each other much in the years afterwards, I always remembered him as a great pilot, Airman, artist, and fellow Wild Weasel. I was shocked and saddened to hear of his passing and offer you and your family my deepest condolences. The world is a lesser place without him in it.
Thomas Gummo
August 22, 2020, 3:39 pm
It is impossible to think about our time in Germany without Med stories coming forth. However, for me, I remember after a fifteen hour flight to the secret base in Bahrain, climbing down the ladder to a big hug from Med. We were restricted to base, so one day after work, Med put me in his car and we drove to his house downtown. Then we went to eat at a very nice restaurant while the rest of the squadron was eating MRE’s on base.
The Kelleys of Savannah
August 29, 2020, 11:54 pm
Our condolances to Lori and family. So sad that yet another eagle has landed for the last time. Rest in Peace Med.
Spike Benyshek
October 6, 2020, 9:50 pm
Med, you were the best, and truly one of a kind. The entire Gulf War experience would have been much different for we 81sters without you and Lori….a piece of American-style hospitality from a host who spoke the language and rubbed elbows with the big wigs!! You touched a lot of lives and lived far beyond the years you spent with us. The true measure of a man may be the number of people who mourn his passing, and judging by that, one can only conclude you are a giant. I’ll forever admire your artistic skills, and always share your passion for all things in aviation. Until the big rejoin on the other side, cleared off. Cleared the Block surface to infinity; no speed restrictions, and Cleared Hot. Happy Hunting, my friend.
Bruce Benyshek
October 7, 2020, 2:35 pm
Med, you were the best, and one of a kind. You touched a lot of lives in aviation, fighter aviation, diplomacy, and Art. I will always admire your flying career, and marvel and respect your incredible artistic skills. The Gulf War experience would have been vastly different for us had you and Lori not been there with your hospitality, and your devotion to her is legendary. If the measure of a man’s life is by the number of friends and family who grieve his passing, then you are at the top. Until the rejoin on the other side, you are cleared off my friend. Cleared surface to infinity. Call West Point, ready….salute.
Darrel Gebert; Major; USAF, Ret.
November 11, 2020, 1:55 am
So DEEPLY saddened to come upon Ahmed’s obit today; now in retirement; reminiscing. My DEEPEST sympathies go out to Lori, and ALL of the family; friends and fellow aviators who graced the skies with him. I met, knew and became very close friends w/Ahmed briefly, 1976-1979; Purdue University; West Lafayette, IN; fellow AFROTC Cadet Wing 220. BS degrees and 2LT USAF Commissionings; 12-13 May 1979.
Unfortunately we lost touch w/each other as we went our separate ways in our USAF careers. “Med” to his Happy Place, the Cockpit, and me, “Stormy,” yes a Weather Geek, to the base weather station!
We hit it off immediately at “CW 220” since we were both “retreads,” prior-enlisted, and pursuing degrees and commissions via the USAF’s Airman’s Scholarship Commissioning Program (ASCP). His life story was so interesting; how he came to America. His wonderful, I assume inherited gift, as an extremely-talented artist, especially of Air Force art! I believe he has several paintings in the USAF’s official Art Collection too! As I recall, his father was an accomplished portrait artist in Egypt, before they moved to the US. I also remember Ahmed painting as SPECIAL, Personalized Air Force Portrait, of I believe an F-4 Phantom for our retiring Purdue University AFROTC Cadet Wing 220 Commandant and PAS, Colonel Olive Hines! I remember how emotional he was when Ahmed presented him with that beautiful painting, I believe at our commissioning ceremony; his last official Commandant/PAS act for the Cadet Wing!
Rest-in-Peace Ahmed. I will never forget the friendship we shared some 35-40 years ago…
Frank McGee
February 13, 2021, 2:51 am
I had the truly distinct pleasure of knowing Med during our years at Gulfstream. I will always fondly remember Med as a natural aviator and gifted artist, but moreover as a giant among gentlemen. Whenever he was with you, he radiated the feeling that you were the center of attention, and nothing else mattered. I also had the privilege of flying with Med aboard the “Miss Stress”. He taught me the basics of fighter maneuvering and I shall never forget his cheers when I correctly demonstrated a split S or four-point roll. He lived and loved like no other. His devotion to Lori was legendary among us. He was so kind, and if you knew him, you knew what a true man was. I shall miss him terribly. I surely will. Godspeed Med.
Ron Gingerich
February 25, 2021, 1:54 am
RIP Sir….one of Red sections finer pilots..always respected us maintenance was a honor to know you
Brig. Gen., Philip M. Drew, USAF, Ret.
August 19, 2020, 8:39 pm
Thanks for your service to the USAF and WW community. RIP our friend!
John Vogan
August 19, 2020, 9:01 pm
Sad to hear. I first flew with Med at Homestead AFB while I was going through RTU and then later at Spandahlem AB in Germany. He was a great gentleman and quality pilot. He will be missed by so many fellow aviators.
George W. Acree || Ace Acree
August 19, 2020, 9:55 pm
One of the Best!!! Ahmed!!!! ****
George Ace Acree
Ace 555
August 19, 2020, 10:01 pm
One of the Best!!!! Fighter Pilot / leader /Friend
Radar Radford
August 19, 2020, 10:31 pm
Very sad, indeed. I did not know Ahmed well, as I was in the 23rd, but always heard good things. Thew a nickel on the grass.
David "PermDog" Perme
August 20, 2020, 9:01 am
I knew Ahmed, I was in the 23TFS, when he was up on the hill at the 480th. When I went to Ramstein, I had a job where we would have to travel to the Mideast on occasion. I reached out to Ahmed to join us because he spoke the language, and was a great guy, we never did the trips, the unit was closed. Rest in peace, the world is a bit lesser of a place.
Vinnie Cooper
August 20, 2020, 3:16 pm
Truly a great loss for the weasels, our Air Force, our nation and humanity. Lori, my heart goes out to you, and I thank you deeply for loving and caring for such a terrific guy.
Med was an artist, who handled a jet as gracefully and powerfully as he wielded a brush; More importantly, he was an artist in how he dealt with people — with grace and aplomb, courtesy and strength, and a smile that inspired all around him.
I am so honored to have known him, flown with with him and, since the G had no cannon, never gunned him…
Rest In Peace, Med
Jan-Marc Jouas
August 21, 2020, 5:33 am
It’s been a long time since we were all together at Spang, where Med was one of our first Viper pilots in the 480 TFS. We hit it off right away, and though we didn’t see each other much in the years afterwards, I always remembered him as a great pilot, Airman, artist, and fellow Wild Weasel. I was shocked and saddened to hear of his passing and offer you and your family my deepest condolences. The world is a lesser place without him in it.
Thomas Gummo
August 22, 2020, 3:39 pm
It is impossible to think about our time in Germany without Med stories coming forth. However, for me, I remember after a fifteen hour flight to the secret base in Bahrain, climbing down the ladder to a big hug from Med. We were restricted to base, so one day after work, Med put me in his car and we drove to his house downtown. Then we went to eat at a very nice restaurant while the rest of the squadron was eating MRE’s on base.
The Kelleys of Savannah
August 29, 2020, 11:54 pm
Our condolances to Lori and family. So sad that yet another eagle has landed for the last time. Rest in Peace Med.
Spike Benyshek
October 6, 2020, 9:50 pm
Med, you were the best, and truly one of a kind. The entire Gulf War experience would have been much different for we 81sters without you and Lori….a piece of American-style hospitality from a host who spoke the language and rubbed elbows with the big wigs!! You touched a lot of lives and lived far beyond the years you spent with us. The true measure of a man may be the number of people who mourn his passing, and judging by that, one can only conclude you are a giant. I’ll forever admire your artistic skills, and always share your passion for all things in aviation. Until the big rejoin on the other side, cleared off. Cleared the Block surface to infinity; no speed restrictions, and Cleared Hot. Happy Hunting, my friend.
Bruce Benyshek
October 7, 2020, 2:35 pm
Med, you were the best, and one of a kind. You touched a lot of lives in aviation, fighter aviation, diplomacy, and Art. I will always admire your flying career, and marvel and respect your incredible artistic skills. The Gulf War experience would have been vastly different for us had you and Lori not been there with your hospitality, and your devotion to her is legendary. If the measure of a man’s life is by the number of friends and family who grieve his passing, then you are at the top. Until the rejoin on the other side, you are cleared off my friend. Cleared surface to infinity. Call West Point, ready….salute.
Darrel Gebert; Major; USAF, Ret.
November 11, 2020, 1:55 am
So DEEPLY saddened to come upon Ahmed’s obit today; now in retirement; reminiscing. My DEEPEST sympathies go out to Lori, and ALL of the family; friends and fellow aviators who graced the skies with him. I met, knew and became very close friends w/Ahmed briefly, 1976-1979; Purdue University; West Lafayette, IN; fellow AFROTC Cadet Wing 220. BS degrees and 2LT USAF Commissionings; 12-13 May 1979.
Unfortunately we lost touch w/each other as we went our separate ways in our USAF careers. “Med” to his Happy Place, the Cockpit, and me, “Stormy,” yes a Weather Geek, to the base weather station!
We hit it off immediately at “CW 220” since we were both “retreads,” prior-enlisted, and pursuing degrees and commissions via the USAF’s Airman’s Scholarship Commissioning Program (ASCP). His life story was so interesting; how he came to America. His wonderful, I assume inherited gift, as an extremely-talented artist, especially of Air Force art! I believe he has several paintings in the USAF’s official Art Collection too! As I recall, his father was an accomplished portrait artist in Egypt, before they moved to the US. I also remember Ahmed painting as SPECIAL, Personalized Air Force Portrait, of I believe an F-4 Phantom for our retiring Purdue University AFROTC Cadet Wing 220 Commandant and PAS, Colonel Olive Hines! I remember how emotional he was when Ahmed presented him with that beautiful painting, I believe at our commissioning ceremony; his last official Commandant/PAS act for the Cadet Wing!
Rest-in-Peace Ahmed. I will never forget the friendship we shared some 35-40 years ago…
Frank McGee
February 13, 2021, 2:51 am
I had the truly distinct pleasure of knowing Med during our years at Gulfstream. I will always fondly remember Med as a natural aviator and gifted artist, but moreover as a giant among gentlemen. Whenever he was with you, he radiated the feeling that you were the center of attention, and nothing else mattered. I also had the privilege of flying with Med aboard the “Miss Stress”. He taught me the basics of fighter maneuvering and I shall never forget his cheers when I correctly demonstrated a split S or four-point roll.
He lived and loved like no other. His devotion to Lori was legendary among us. He was so kind, and if you knew him, you knew what a true man was. I shall miss him terribly. I surely will. Godspeed Med.
Ron Gingerich
February 25, 2021, 1:54 am
RIP Sir….one of Red sections finer pilots..always respected us maintenance was a honor to know you