Martin Stuart Swist

Martin Stuart Swist

Martin Stuart Swist

January 15, 1947~July 09, 2024

Martin Stuart (Marty) Swist, of Naples, Florida, passed away peacefully on July 9, 2024. He was a beloved grandfather, father, husband, cousin, and friend who will be deeply missed by all who knew him.

Marty was born on January 15, 1947, in Stamford, Connecticut, the son of the late Herman and Mildred Swist, and grew up in Fairfield, Connecticut. He was predeceased by his sister, Marilyn Swist Isaacs.

He was a graduate of Andrew Warde High School, Sacred Heart University, and Fairfield University. Marty loved his career as a librarian, working around the world in Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Manila, Philippines, and Tokyo, Japan. Throughout his career, he was known for his passion for teaching, kindness towards others, and his quick wit with a smile and a joke.

More than anything, Marty loved being a grandfather, father, and husband. He enjoyed spending time with his grandchildren and family, sharing stories, telling jokes, and cherishing the time spent together. He was always there to offer guidance, support, and encouragement.

Marty is survived by his loving wife, Jessica, his son, Jason, and his wife, Alexis, and his grandchildren, Cooper and Charlie. His memory will be cherished.

A private memorial service will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to the Naples Botanical Garden or Purradise Gardens of Naples, Florida.

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Jerry Finan

July 15, 2024, 8:43 pm

Fly High fellow Falcon. Godspeed Mr. Swift.

Stuart Rosenberg

July 15, 2024, 8:50 pm

He will surely be missed he was a real mensch,and a great friend rip

Sameer Akhtar

July 15, 2024, 9:33 pm

Deepest condolences to family and friends of Martin. Mr. Swist was a wonderful teacher that left a positive impact on his students, including myself. He will be missed.

Mae Codizal

July 15, 2024, 9:36 pm

Mr. Martin Swist, I was so shocked to hear the news of your passing I didn’t have as much memories with you as the others outside of Jeddah, especially during your stay in the Philippines…but it shouldn’t be a surprise that my brother and I are saddened just as much.
I loved the PCS library because of you! Among many other happy core memories, I can’t forget the way you would call my attention during a “flat tire” (meaning my shoelaces were untied) — it was always such a funny, yet sweet gesture. Now, thanks to the internet, I always got birthday greetings from you!
I’m honored to have had you as a part of a special era in my life — our lives. May you rest in eternal peace. My heart/prayers goes out to the entire family, Jessica Swist

Dennis Michael Fuse

July 15, 2024, 10:01 pm

Jessica, I was very sad to hear about you loosing Marty, he and I went to school together, and re connected on line a few years ago. We would spar about politics, but respected each other very much. Please accept my sincere condolences at this time. Sincerely Dennis Fuse’

Anna Ghia Lacap - Erasquin

July 15, 2024, 10:03 pm

My heartfelt condolences to the Swist family. May eternal rest be granted upon Marty and may his soul rest in peace.

Barbara Porter Hayslip

July 15, 2024, 10:05 pm

We will all miss our dear friend, Marty. His sense of humor, his clever posts and comments, and his remarkable memory and recall made him our “go to” source! In high-school he was one of our big men on Campus, as Vice President and his involvement in many clubs, committees and commission, always willing to help. Our love and co dolences go out to Jessica and their beloved family. God bless.
Barbara Porter Hayslip and George Amarant ♥️.

Michael Franks

July 15, 2024, 10:14 pm

It was in the mid 80’s when I was in middle school that Mr. Swist suggested I send a letter to one of my favorite authors. I wrote that letter, not expecting anything back as I was sure she wouldn’t have time to respond and I assumed that correspondence coming from Saudi Arabia wouldn’t be taken seriously, but I wrote it and handed it to him. I think it was three months later he triumphantly handed me a signed postcard from that author with a short note from her.
That postcard was likely my most prized possession through my young adult life because it taught me that communication is important regardless of the distance or relationship to someone. If you talk, if you reach out to share, someone is listening.

Barbara Rovizzi PokrinPokrin

July 15, 2024, 10:26 pm

My heart is broken for sure; my love and prayers go out to Jessica, his children and grand babies…RIP Mart

Marilyn Beringer

July 15, 2024, 11:02 pm

I am still in shock as you are. Words will never describe the hole I feel about Marty’s passing. He was so always there in every moment . He will be missed by so many that he touched. Hugs for all, Marilyn Beringer

Tom Reese

July 16, 2024, 12:50 am

At the age of 74, I suppose I should be expecting announcements like this more often. And the next could easily be mine. But this is a gut punch extraordinaire and I am left with an enormous sense of loss. Marty was a true wit. I’m not sure I’ve ever met a more compelling one. Those who knew the man will be left considerably diminished with Marty’s passing. “Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” Damn!

Faith Heath

July 16, 2024, 1:24 am

Dear Jessica,
Heather sent this to us or I wouldn’t have known! We’re so sorry for your loss and pray that the Lord will hold you close and give you His comfort and peace.
With living memories,
Faith & John Heath

Sara Baquero-Garcia

July 16, 2024, 1:24 am

Dear Jessica and family,
Doug and I will forever remember Marty as one of our most favorite colleagues and friends from our time at ASIJ and up to just last few weeks when he sent a beautiful note for Roberto on his graduation. Even with all the distance and time he continued to care and be so very kind! Marty always spoke from the heart, but he always also gave such thoughtful ideas that always inspired me to be better. He was not afraid to call injustice and to point out how important it is to protect our freedom to think and express ourselves and learn from each other. He absolutely leaves a legacy of love, care and friendship! Please receive a big hug from us from afar, we will keep him and you in our hearts.


July 16, 2024, 2:22 am

My deepest condolences and prayers to Mrs. Jessica Swist and family. Mr. Martin Swist is undoubtedly one of my favorite human beings. He was an encourager and truly believed in the potential of each of his students. Thanks Mr. Swist for your kindness that truly made an impact in our lives. We will miss you. ❤️

Leanne Windsor

July 16, 2024, 3:00 am

I am so sad to hear of Marty’s passing. Sending my love and condolences to his beautiful family who he loved and adored so much. I am so glad I had the privilege and joy of knowing him and working with him in Japan. Rest in peace Marty you kind soul.

Richie Steven

July 16, 2024, 6:41 am

Your wisdom and wit will be sorely missed in library circles both in Japan and abroad. I loved my time with you in Tokyo and always looked forward to your posts on Facebook after you moved back. Thank you for everything, Marty!
Richie Steven
The British School in Tokyo, Library


July 16, 2024, 8:43 am

Baruch Ata Adonai, Eloheinu Melech HaOlam, Dayan HaEmet

To God we belong and to Him we return.

May your family be comforted from heaven.

Evelyn Buckler

July 16, 2024, 9:13 am

So sad to hear of Marty’s passing. Thinking of his family and especially Jessica. X

Jack Gantos

July 16, 2024, 9:50 am

Marty was a great friend. I knew him from teaching in Japan. He was loved by his students and he inspired them to be thoughtful and creative. He always had joy in his heart and a desire to inspire others to achieve greatness for themselves and all of humanity. He will be missed. Jack Gantos

Omair Siddiqui

July 16, 2024, 12:45 pm

I will echo the sentiments left above. Mr. Swist made the PCS library a sanctuary for those who were inclined towards reading. He made reading exciting, and fun. I’ll never forget him starting sentences with the the word “Zo” instead of “So”
Rest in peace Mr. Swist


July 16, 2024, 1:47 pm

My heart hurts for Mr. Swist’s family, especially Jessica. Such a big hole left… He’ll be greatly missed.

Jamia Wilson

July 16, 2024, 2:24 pm

We will miss you so much, Marty Swist. Truly and simply the best of the best. I will always think of your passion, quips, kindness, jokes and smile. I will never ever see a Kirkus review without wanting to discuss it with you. Sending all my love and prayers to Jessica and Jason and your entire family.

Dan and Kacey Gill

July 16, 2024, 8:24 pm

Dan and I are so sorry. Marty was a classmate a terrific guy . Our sincere condolences to you and your family! Marty was truly one of the best ever!
Dan and Kacey Gill

Sue Tranter

July 16, 2024, 8:25 pm

A hole is left in the world now you have left us Marty! I feel privileged to have known you, as a colleague at PCS and as a dear friend! May you rest in eternal peace! Heartfelt condolences to Jessica, Jason and the entire family.

Diane Young

July 16, 2024, 9:23 pm

Couldn’t believe the notes I started seeing that Marty had passed. In fact I was hoping to come across one of his pithy postings. Incredibly sad for Jessica and family, but with hope that the memories of a grand life you shared will help console you.

Bruce Tanner

July 16, 2024, 10:46 pm

I am one of the countless people who Marty touched. Ever since we met years ago when Rachel was still with us I felt connected as brothers. Marty played a key part in my life. Years ago it was Marty who saved me from committing suicide. He had a way of getting through to people like no one I ever met. After I spoke with him that day, over 10 years ago, I reached out for the help I needed. When I say he literally saved my life, it’s real. I will always remember him as an angel. And he still is. RIP dear friend.


July 17, 2024, 12:19 am

My deepest condolences for your loss.

Mr. Swist was someone who I was always found smiling during my time at PCS, SAIS – Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. I don’t recall ever seeing him upset. Feels like yesterday. Death is something that comes to us all. May he be at peace and may his loved ones always cherish his memories.

Lea Belovich

July 17, 2024, 12:35 am

Jessica, I was saddened to hear the passing of Marty. Sending my sincere condolences to you and your beautiful family. RIP Marty! You will be missed.

Naomi Shadix

July 17, 2024, 2:44 am

Mr. Swist, as well as Mrs. Swist, were early influences in my life as educators and neighbors. So much so that I ended up as a graphic designer at an early education literacy publishing company. Mr. Swist was always available with a listening ear, perfect book recommendation, and had that way of seeing you completely in a conversation. It feels unreal that he is no longer with us in this world and I don’t think we will ever quite fully recover from such a great loss. All my love to Mrs. Swist, Jason and family.

Patrizia D'Angelo-Arzt

July 17, 2024, 10:16 am

Dear Jessica,and family
Sorry to hear about Marty he was a wonderful Person.
R.I.P dear Friend

Patrizia and Leo Arzt

Katherine Hall

July 17, 2024, 12:32 pm

Our hearts go out to you, Jessica and Swist family. We have such fond memories of you both from ASIJ! Our entire family loved his kindness and genuine interest in others. We always looked forward to the fun birthday greetings he sent each year – so thoughtful and a hallmark of his way of caring for others. Our lives are brighter for having known him. You are in our prayers! Katherine, Larik, Mason, Aidan and Ava Hall

Dale Brennan

July 17, 2024, 3:12 pm

I’m sorry to hear this. Martin was a very dear friend of mine for a very long time., I always enjoy seeing him bumping into him from time to time he will be sorely sorely missed my deepest condolences go to his family ❤️

Brendan & Yvonne Barry

July 17, 2024, 8:36 pm

Dear Jessica. We are so sorry to hear about Marty’s passing. We would like to extend our deepest condolences to you, to Jason and Alexis, and to your 2 grandchildren.

We constantly find ourselves thinking of the great tiimes we had in Jeddah and of all the great people we met there. Now that we are scattered across the globe, we are deeply appreciative of Marty’s role in ensuring that the spititual connection between us all has remained alive, and that it will live on forever.

Tim Olson

July 17, 2024, 8:57 pm

Sending my deepest condolences and love to you, Jessica, Jason & family. I was very saddened to hear about Marty’s passing, and quite surprised, honestly, as I recall reading his upbeat FB posts (often about the Red Sox, of course) as late as a day or two before his passing last week. Although we didn’t work in the same building at ASIJ, I had quite a few occasions to interact with Marty. We were all blessed by his unfailing kindness and the genuine interest he always showed in others, be it students or fellow colleagues. His simple acts of caring – even his quick birthday greetings- were so very much appreciated. You’re gone all too soon, Marty. We will all remember you fondly. Rest in Peace…

Chris Plank

July 17, 2024, 10:59 pm

Condolences to the Swist family.

Holly Krantz Shaw

July 18, 2024, 3:51 am

Jessica, please include me among those who loved Marty’s wit and compassion. Though many of us knew him best when we were young, how wonderful to know the mark he made on so many throughout his remarkable life! He will be missed not only by friends and classmates from Fairfield, Connecticut, but from all over the world.

Christine Crockett

July 18, 2024, 6:46 am

I Gordon and Fayona are so sorry for your loss. We have so many fond memories of the time we all spent in Jeddah. Marty was one of the best and will be so missed by many. Rest in peace Marty. Jessica Jasoson and all of your family you are all in our minds at this sad time. Xxx

Sonia Tyler

July 18, 2024, 10:43 am

Mr. Swist – your joy was contagious. I will miss your yearly birthday wishes and presence through Facebook. Although I haven’t seen you since I was a kid – I always felt your loving presence online. Thank you for being a solid light force on this earth to so many. Us Jeddah kids adore you. Thank you for helping shape us. Condolences to your beautiful family. Mrs. Swist – I’m hugging you from afar. I’m so very sorry.

Bonnie Motsch

July 18, 2024, 11:36 am

Mr.Swist was and will be one of the most positive people I ever had the blessing to meet! It was a life lesson he has granted me, yet again. Thank you for almost 40 yrs of Birthday wishes and tons and tons of smiles and guidance.

Melinda Kehe

July 18, 2024, 2:09 pm

Dear Jessica and Family,

I was so sad to hear of the passing of Marty. He was such a wonderful friend and mentor to me. Always so kind and patient. I have so many fond memories of working with him in the MS library at ASIJ. A gentleman, a reader, a wise and kind man. Alan and I send our deepest condolence to you all. Love Melinda, Alan, Julian and Riordan

Andrew Hoover

July 18, 2024, 2:37 pm

Marty will be missed. He was a true educator in the fullest sense of the word – curious, resourceful, loquacious, articulate, knowledgeable, and playful. Marty inspired me to do better work and be a better person. My thoughts are with Jessica, Jason, and Marty’s closest relatives and friends. Warmly, Andrew

Marlene Recchia

July 18, 2024, 3:14 pm

Dear Jessica and Family, There are no words to express how sad I am to receive this news. You were such a great team. We enjoyed you as good neighbors at Ocean Reef and it was a pleasure to do business with you as your realtor. You are all in our thoughts and prayers . Marty is in a better place and will be your guardian angel. Much Love, Marlene Recchia

Maureen Sims

July 18, 2024, 3:41 pm

Jessica, the last time i saw or remember seeing Marty was in elementry school. I reconnected with him on Facebook during the pandemic. His posts were funny, true and hit just right during those turbulent and uncertain times. He was my 5th grade crush. When i shared that with him during the pandemic, he responded “why didn’t you tell me?” My deepest condolences. Marty was so funny and kind.

Bob and Jan Voruz

July 18, 2024, 3:59 pm

Such sad news! Thinking of you every day, Jessica! This must be so, so difficult for you. We feel grateful that we were able to reconnect with you and Marty in recent years. We came to Jeddah together in 1978 and left together in 1995. Over 40 years of friendship! We are going to miss Marty’s warm messages. He was loved by so many. Sending love to you, Jason, Alexis and your little grandsons. We will definitely keep in touch and hope to see you in the not too distant future. Holding you in our hearts.

Judy Astridge

July 18, 2024, 4:06 pm

Richard and I are so sorry to hear about Marty. We have wonderful memories of Marty at ASIJ. His big smile and laughter . We loved hearing about your past adventures around the world at different international schools and recently seeing posts on Facebook about Florida. Our thoughts are with Jessica and his family during this time. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Aida Swist

July 18, 2024, 4:19 pm

. Rest in peace Marty. Jessica Jasoson and all of your family you are all in our minds at this sad time. Xxx

Martha & Steven Aigner

July 18, 2024, 4:39 pm

Jessica and family,

Thinking of you during this difficult time. Sending our deepest sympathy with the loss of Marty. He was one of a kind and will leave a special place in peoples heart who knew him.
Wishing you peace and comfort at this sad time.

Martha & Steven Aigner

Rema Arafat

July 18, 2024, 5:02 pm

Dear Jessica,
I am so sorry to hear about Mr. Swist’s passing.
He will be remembered as the most approachable, fun, loving librarian to us at PCS.
May god give you patience during this difficult time. Rest in peace Mr. Swist

Harriet Bogin Yogel

July 18, 2024, 11:04 pm

Dear Jessica-
This news is devastating. I have so enjoyed corresponding with Marty on FB. Most recently I responded to his post on July 4th. I look back to our lunch in Boynton Beach with great happiness. Marty was my childhood friend. I am thankful that we were able to reconnect as older adults. My heart goes out to you and the rest of your family. Sending much love.

Mika Wang

July 19, 2024, 12:03 am

Mr. Swist! You brightened up the MS library with your jokes and fueled my passion for reading. It is evident from these notes that you lived and loved well. Thank you for holding space for all of us to grow and learn more than 20 years ago, and sending warmth and hugs to Ms. Swist 🙂

Ryan McChristian

July 22, 2024, 12:28 am

Mr Swist,
I’ll never forget when you introduced me to Jomi Hendrix. Your watching out for me
Continued for 20 years even when I moved to Tokyo as an adult and I’ll never forget it. May you rest in peace.

Kostad Gabriel

July 22, 2024, 9:22 am

A great man and a dear friend. Rest in Peace.

Bob Lessler

July 22, 2024, 6:18 pm

I’ve just heard this terrible news. I am so sorry for your loss. Marty’s parents were the closest of friends with my parents in Fairfield. His dad taught me how to drive a car. Our mothers were so close. Marty was a kind, caring man. I am deeply saddened that he has passed away so soon. May his memory be a blessing.

Anil, Beena, Ankur & Anisha Sharma

July 25, 2024, 4:13 pm

So sorry to hear of this very sad news. Mr Swist and his family lived in the same block as us in Saudi Arabia and I have a memory of his kindness and thoughtfulness. Being so young and loving smarties (the candy) I always called him “Smartie Uncle”. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Swist family during this difficult time.

Hasham Khan

July 26, 2024, 4:27 am

I fondly recall Mr. Swist’s presence at PCS, Jeddah, where I served as an SAIS School Board member in the early 1990s, and where my three children went to school and benefitted from Mr. Swist’s wonderful guidance and encouragement.

May his soul rest in peace and may God grant Jessica and his kids the patience to bear this tremendous loss with equanimity!

Hasham Khan

Shunsuke Hirose

July 28, 2024, 1:42 am

Mr. Swist was more than a librarian to me – he was a mentor whose kindness and empathy made many, including myself, a more compassionate and thoughtful person. I’ve always been grateful to have had him in my life during middle school in Japan, and it’s heartening to see so many others have seen what I’ve seen from Mr. Swist.

Mrs. Swist – my condolences on your loss, and I hope you have all the support you need during this difficult time. You both made my experience at ASIJ so much better than it had been in the years before middle school, for which I am forever grateful.

Have a happy, Mr. Swist. We miss you.

Lina Yamashita

September 4, 2024, 1:46 pm

I was saddened (and shocked) to learn of Mr. Swist’s passing from the most recent Alumni newsletter. I’ll always remember his kind, calm, gentle demeanor at the library, which was like a second home to me when I was in middle school – I was there practically every day. I have vivid memories of the physical library space, including Mr. Swist’s office from where he’d always emerge to greet me warmly and chat. The library was such a warm, welcoming, safe place, and I can now appreciate and see that he played a large role in creating that kind of environment for students. I never got a chance to explicitly thank him… Thank you, Mr. Swist.

Mrs. Swist – I’m sending my thoughts and hugs to you and your family. You and Mr. Swist both showed so much care for students, including me, and helped make the middle school an inviting space. I’m grateful for that.

Joy Kinami Wexler

September 17, 2024, 7:57 pm

I was deeply saddened to hear of Mr. Swists’s passing from the ASIJ Alumni newsletter. Mr. Swist was a very important figure for me in middle school — the library was my safe space and Mr. Swist was someone I looked forward to speaking with every single day. Middle school was hard for me and having the library during lunch and breaks changed my life. Mr. Swist always had a book recommendation or a piece of advice on hand to lift my spirits. Even after I moved on from middle school, Mr. Swist looked out for me around campus, which made me very happy.

I speak of Mr. Swist often to my friends, and to this day hold onto my love of libraries and go to my local library every week. Mr. Swist was one of a kind, he changed my life and countless others.

Thank you, Mr. Swist. May your memory be a blessing to all who knew you.

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